Rabu, 25 November 2009

Business Letter

Nama : Winda Puspita Lim Setyawati
NPM : 21207169
Kelas : 3 EB14
Dosen : Muhammad Kholiq
Materi : Business Letter (Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 1)


Business Letter is a letter written in formal language, usually used when writing from one business organization to another, or for correspondence between such organizations and their customers, clients and other external parties. The overall style of letter will depend on the relationship between the parties concerned. A Business Letter is more formal than a personal letter. It should have a margin of at least one inch on all four edges. There are six parts to a business letter.
Full Block Business Letter Components
Full block format means that all the elements of the letter are left-justified so that the start of each line is at the left-hand margin. This is the more formal style, so use it if you’re unsure which to go for.
Full Block Business Letter Components
Full block format means that all the elements of the letter are left-justified so that the start of each line is at the left-hand margin. This is the more formal style, so use it if you’re unsure which to go for.

1. Return Address: If your stationery has a letterhead, skip this. Otherwise, type your name, address and optionally, phone number.
2. Date: Type the date of your letter two to six lines below the letterhead. Three are standard. If there is no letterhead, type it where shown.
3. Reference Line: If the recipient specifically requests information, such as a job reference or invoice number, type it on one or two lines, immediately below the Date (2).
4. Special Mailing Notations: Type in all uppercase characters, if appropriate.
5. On-Arrival Notations: Type in all uppercase characters, if appropriate. You might want to include a notation on private correspondence.
6. Inside Address: Type the name and address of the person and/or company to whom you're sending the letter.
7. Attention Line: Type the name of the person to whom you're sending the letter.
8. Salutation: Type the recipient's name here. Type Mr. or Ms. [Last Name] to show respect, but don't guess spelling or gender.
9. Subject Line: Type the gist of your letter in all uppercase characters, either flush left or centered. Be concise on one line.
10. Body: Type two spaces between sentences. Keep it brief and to the point.
11. Complimentary Close: What you type here depends on the tone and degree of formality.
12. Signature Block: Leave four blank lines after the Complimentary Close (11) to sign your name. Sign your name exactly as you type it below your signature. Title is optional depending on relevancy and degree of formality.
13. Identification Initials: If someone typed the letter for you, he or she would typically include three of your initials in all uppercase characters, then two of his or hers in all lowercase characters.
14. Enclosure Notation: This line tells the reader to look in the envelope for more. Type the singular for only one enclosure, plural for more. If you don't enclose anything, skip it.
15. cc: Stands for courtesy copies (formerly carbon copies).

Modified Block Style Business Letter Components
• Modified Block Style: With this business letter format, the body of the letter is left justified and single-spaced. The date and closing, however, are in alignment in the center of the page.
• Block Style: when using this business letter format, the entire letter is left justified and single-spaced except for a double space between paragraphs.

Modified Semi-Block Style Business Letter Components
Semiblock Style: similar to the modified block business letter style except that each paragraph is indented instead of left justified. This sample includes the formal components of modified semi-block business letters. Some of these components are optional for typical, employment-related business letters.

A business letter serves the main purpose of communication between two companies, or it is a method to talk to different people within a business.

Subject-Verb Agreement

Nama : Winda Puspita Lim Setyawati
NPM : 21207169
Kelas : 3 EB14
Dosen : Muhammad Kholiq
Mater : Tugas Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 1 (Subject-verb Agreement)

Subject-Verb Agreement

Basic Principle: Singular subjects need singular verbs; plural subjects need plural verbs. My brother is a nutritionist. My sisters are mathematicians.
See the section on Plurals for additional help with subject-verb agreement.
1. The indefinite pronouns anyone, everyone, someone, no one, nobody are always singular and, therefore, require singular verbs.
• Somebody has left her purse.

2. Some indefinite pronouns are particularly troublesome Everyone and everybody (listed above, also) certainly feel like more than one person and, therefore, students are sometimes tempted to use a plural verb with them.
• Everyone has finished his or her homework.
3. If your sentence compounds a positive and a negative subject and one is plural, the other singular, the verb should agree with the positive subject.
• It is not the faculty members but the president who decides this issue.
4. The pronouns neither and either are singular and require singular verbs even though they seem to be referring, in a sense, to two things.
• Which shirt do you want for Christmas?
Either is fine with me.
5. The conjunction or does not conjoin (as and does): when nor or or is used the subject closer to the verb determines the number of the verb. Whether the subject comes before or after the verb doesn't matter; the proximity determines the number.
• Either my father or my brothers are going to sell the house.
• Are either my brothers or my father responsible?

elaborate definition
elabo•rate (ē lab′ə rit, i-; for v., -ə rāt′)
1. worked out carefully; developed in great detail
2. highly wrought or ornamented; complicated
3. painstaking
Etymology: L elaboratus, pp. of elaborare, to work out, labor greatly < e-, out + laborare < labor, labor
Subject + Verb + Complement
There are two clause patterns that look similar but which are in fact very different:

In sentence 1 the word grass is the object and the words elephant and grass refer to different things. In sentence 2 the word animals refers to the same thing as elephants. It completes the meaning of the subject. So it is described as the subject complement:

The complement
The subject complement of a simple sentence:
 comes after the verb
 is either
- a noun or 'noun-like thing', or
- an adjective (as in the sentence, Elephants are big.)
 refers to the same person thing or idea as the subject.
This type of clause uses a special type of verb, a linking verb. the commonest linking verb is be. Others are become and seem:

Since this page is about the completers of thoughts, it is appropriate to include a brief description of complements. A complement (notice the spelling of the word) is any word or phrase that completes the sense of a subject, an object, or a verb.
A subject complement follows a linking verb; it is normally an adjective or a noun that renames or defines in some way the subject.
o A glacier is a huge body of ice.
o Glaciers are beautiful and potentially dangerous at the same time.
o This glacier is not yet fully formed. (verb form acting as an adjective, a participle)

Adjective complements are also called predicate adjectives; noun complements are also called predicate nouns or predicate nominatives. See predicates, above.
• An object complement follows and modifies or refers to a direct object. It can be a noun or adjective or any word acting as a noun or adjective.
o The convention named Dogbreath Vice President to keep him happy. (The noun "Vice President" complements the direct object "Dogbreath"; the adjective "happy" complements the object "him.")
o The clown got the children too excited. (The participle "excited" complements the object "children.")
• A verb complement is a direct or indirect object of a verb. (See above.)
o Granny left Raoul all her money. (Both "money" [the direct object] and "Raoul" [the indirect object] are said to be the verb complements of this sentence).

Verb (kata kerja)
Verb adalah kata atau frasa yang menyatakan keberadaan, perbuatan, atau pengalaman. Verb dikategorikan menjadi main verb dan auxiliary verb. Dalam beberapa buku grammar, auxiliary verb disebut helping verb karena digunakan dengan main verb, modal dan to be termasuk dalam auxiliary verb.

Setiap verb dalam bahasa Inggris dapat diformulasikan sebagai berikut:
VERB = tense + (modal) + (have + participle) + (be + -ing) + verb word
(Modal) = can, could, may, might, must, shall, should, will, would.

Bila suatu verb menghendaki adanya suatu obyek/pelengkap disebut transitive verb, misalnya: build, cut, find, rise, sleep, stay, walk, etc. Sebaliknya bila verb tersebut tidak memerlukan suatu obyek/pelengkap disebut intransitive verb, misalnya agree, arrive, come, cry. (Be)= is, am, are.

elaborate - verb
• add details, as to an account or idea; clarify the meaning of and discourse in a learned way, usually in writing; "She elaborated on the main ideas in her dissertation"
Synonym(s): lucubrate, expatiate, exposit, enlarge, flesh_out, expand, expound, dilate
Hypernym(s): clarify, clear_up, elucidate.

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