Senin, 21 Desember 2009

Nama : Winda Puspita Lim Setyawati
NPM : 21207169
Kelas : 3 EB14
Materi : Perbedaan dan Pengertian Kerangka Tulisan atau Outline
Dosen : Muhammad Kholiq

Pengertian, Perbedaan dan Ciri-ciri Kerangka Tulisan

>>> Kerangka tulisan atau outline adalah panduan utama untuk menulis. Pokok pikiran pada alinea demi alinea kita rencanakan dengan rapi. Apa yang akan kita ungkapkan pada alinea pertama, kedua, ketiga dan seterusnya. Tujuannya, supaya tulisan mengalir lancar, fokus, dan tidak melenceng dari angle yang kita pilih.

>>> Menuliskan outline sangat berguna untuk banyak kondisi, misalnya :
  1. penulis pemula yg sedang mengasah kemampuan menulis,
  2. penulis senior pun membutuhkannya, terutama untuk topik tulisan yang kompleks dan membutuhkan konsentrasi dan perenungan mendalam,
  3. untuk mendokumentasikan ide. Sering kali kita tidak punya waktu yang luas untuk menulis sebuah ide saat itu juga. Pada saat seperti itu, kita bisa mmebuat outline singkat yang akan dieksplorasi begitu kita punya waktu.
Apa saja yang dibutuhkan untuk membuat kerangka tulisan?

>>> Tugas utama sebuah tulisan adalah menjawab angle, sudut pandang, yang telah kita tentukan. Jadi, saat menyusun outline, kita harus selalu merujuk pada rumusan angle tersebut. Pertanyakan selalu apakah outline sudah sesuai dengan angle, apakah tidak melenceng, apakah tidak justru melemahkan angle.

Kira-Kira Rumus Dasar Membuat Outline adalah sebagai berikut :
  1. Lead : pembuka tulisan. Harus menarik dan memancing keingintahuan pembaca.
  2. Menjelaskan kalimat pemancing yang kita sampaikan pada lead atau pembuka.
  3. Konteks tulisan. Pada bagian ini, si penulis menyampaikan bahwa tulisannya layak dibaca dan penting untuk diketahui pembaca
  4. deskripsi permasalahan, eksplorasi data dan argumen pendukung.
  5. Penutup, bisa berupa kesimpulan, tawaran solusi, renungan, atau bahkan pertanyaan balik kepada pembaca.
>>> Outline adalah panduan tulisan paragraf demi paragraf. Komposisi tulisan adalah bentuk sebaran ide pada tulisan. Saat menyusun outline, kita harus memperhatikan sebaran ide ini sehingga tulisan nantinya memiliki komposisi yang bagus dari awal sampai akhir sehingga pembaca betah menikmati karya kita.

Subject Area Reviews (Subject-Verb Agreement)

Nama : Winda Puspita Lim Setyawati
NPM : 21207169
Kelas : 3 EB14
Materi : Subject Area Reviews (Subject-Verb Agreement)
Dosen : Muhammad Kholiq

there are
there were + plural subject. .
there have been

There is a storm approaching.
There have been a number of telephone calls today.
There was an accident last night.
There were too many people at the party.
There has been an increase in the importation of foreign cars.
There was water on the floor where he fell.

Choose the correct form of the verb in the following sentences.
* Jawaban yang benar diwarnai biru. .

1. Neither Bill nor Mary (is/ are) going to the play tonight.

2. Anything (is/ are) better than going to another movie tonight.

3. Skating (is/ are) becoming more popular every day.

4. A number of reporters (was/ were) at the conference yesterday.

5. Everybody who (has/ have) a fever must go home immediately.

6. Your glasses (was/ were) on the bureau last night.

7. There (was/ were) some people at the meeting last night.

8. The committee (has/ have) already reached a decision.

9. A pair of jeans (was/ were) in the washing machine this morning.

10. Each student (has/ have) answered the first three questions.

11. Either John or his wife (make/ makes) breakfast each morning.

12. After she had perused the material, the secretary decided that everything (was/ were) in

13. The crowd at the basketball game (was/ were) wild with excitement.

14. A pack of wild dogs (has/ have) frightened all the ducks away.

15. The jury (is/ are) trying to reach a decision.

16. The army (has/ have) eliminated this section of the training test.

17. The number of students who have withdrawn from class this quarter (is/ are) appalling.

18. There (has/ have) been too many interruptions in this class.

19. Every elementary school teacher (has/ have) to take this examination.

20. Neither Jill nor her parents (has/ have) seen this movie before.

Choose the correct from of the verb in parentheses

Nama : Winda Puspita Lim Setyawati
NPM : 21207169
Kelas : 3 EB14
Materi : Choose the correct from of the verb in parentheses
Dosen : Muhammad Kholiq

Choose the correct from of the verb in parentheses in the following sentences..!!!
* jawaban yang benar diwarnai

1. John, along with twenty friends (is, are) planning a party.

2. The picture of the soldiers (bring, brings) back many memories.

3. The quality of these recordings (is, are) not very good.

4. If the duties of these officers (isn't, aren't) reduced, there will not be enough time to finish the

5. The effects of cigarette smoking (have, has) been proven to be extremely harmful.

6. The use of credit cards in place of cash (have, has) increased rapidly in recent years.

7. Advertisements on television (is, are) becoming more competitive than ever before.

8. Living expenses in this country, as well as in many others (is, are) at an all time high.

9. Mr. Jones, accompanied by several members of the committee (have, has) proposed some
changes of the rules.

10. The level of intoxication (vary, varies) farm subject to subject.

Correct form of the verb in parentheses

Nama : Winda Puspita Lim Setyawati
NPM : 21207169
Kelas : 3 EB 14
Materi : Correct form of the verb in parentheses (Tugas Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 1)
Dosen : Muhammad Kholiq

Choose the correct form of the verb in parentheses in following sentences. . .!

1. The teacher decide (accepting/ to accept) the paper.

2. The apperpciate (to have/ having) this information.

3. His Father doesn't approve of his (going/ to go) to Europe.

4. We found it very difficult (reaching/ to reach) a decision.

5. Donna is interested in (to open/ opening) a bar.

6. George has no intention of (to leave/ leaving) the city now.

7. We are eager (to return/ returning) to school in the fall.

8. You would be better off (to buy/ buying) this car.

9. She refused (to accept/ accepting) the gift.

10. Mary regrets (to be/ being) the one and to have to tell him.

11. George pretended (to be/ being) sick yesterday.

12. Carlos topes (to finish/ finishing) his thes is this year.

13. They agreed (to leave/ leaving) early.

14. Helen was anxious (to tell/ telling) her family about her promation.

15. We are not ready (to stop/ stoping) this reaseach at this time.

16. Henry shouldn't risk (to drive/ driving) so fast.

17. He demands (to know/ knowing) what is going on.

18. She is looking forward to (return/ returning) to her country.

19. There is no excuse for (to leave/ leaving) the room in condition.

20. Gerald returned to his home after (to leave/ leaving) the game.

Minggu, 20 Desember 2009

Paper Economy (Global Crisis The World)

Nama : Winda Puspita Lim Setyawati
NPM : 21207169
Kelas : 3 EB14
Materi : Paper Economy (Global Crisis The World)
Dosen : Muhammad Kholiq

Global Crisis The World

This paper proposes the uses of the global economic crisis smash effect simulation theoretical framework to evaluate the final effects of the global financial crisis o the world economy. We present different scenarios and results according to different levels of devastation that the global financial crisis can generate on the world economy. It is based on the evaluation of the unemployment and the world wide poverty dissemination. We suggest the application of economic modeling to visualize differnt scenarios and the final impact of the global financial crisis.

Global crisis has become the world's complication. It began with the problem criginated from the subprime mortgage in USA in the middle of 2007. The situation was deteriorated by the financial crisis in September 2008 1). Although the crisis started and mainly occurs in the US, it has sufficiently affected economies both in Europe and Asia. Even country with considerably strong economy in Asia such as Japan was also economically wounded by the spread of the crisis. In September 2008,Japan's surplus from international trading declined 48.8 percent from the previous year 2). The crisis also affected, eventhought not as sufficient as Japan, newly industrialized countries in Asian region like Hongkong, Korea and Singapore. Averagely, those three economies declined at rates between 10 percent and 25 percent. It happenned as a result of the demand reduction for consumer goods and capital goods 3). The crisis also gave impact to the employment. In Indonesia, about three thousands of Indonesian worker, coming from Sumatera Utra, were sent home from Malaysia 4). As a result of a declining of manufacturing activitics as the country is also suffering from the global crisis. Further, it is reported, also in Indonesia, that the number of unemployment in national level, contributed by the global crisis, reaches around 51.000 - 57.000 of people 5). Another sector thatis also crucial for one country economy is investment. For many economies, specially those in developing countries, investment plays as an important supports productivity which is the center part of an economic. Therefore, maintaining a good-level of investment, while global crisis is imposibly avoided, is something that should be given a serious attention.
Law as one of the tools for development has being utilized to regulate many sectors n development, including investment. Law is also expected, althoughin in man cas is not always succeeded, to be able to accommodate the keep changing situation of the human life. In the context of the global crisis and investment, law does have a chance to take part in the effort to maintain a good-level of investment.
This Seminar is aimed of accommodating as well as exploring ways, means, ideas and aspiration from both academicians and practitioners concerning the approach of investment 1 " The global economy is an unfolding narrative as opposed to a finite position. The economy is not a static instrument and there have had to be assumptions made and some modelling done but the economic picture has been consta
  1. The current crisis is multidimensional and diverse. No crisis is gender neutral. Something we focus more on the short term impacts of the crisis, but there are also longer term impacts, and this may be an oppotunity for us to effect the structural framework.
  2. Very little has been written on gender effects of crisis. There are three major impacts. The first are economic impacts, such as unemployment domestically and abroad, and this also includes the problem of return migrants and remittances. In some cases things are not clear, when women are in low-wage sectors and their job losses may not be as rapid as that of men.
  3. The second set of impacts are related to human development. In the case of crisis, women and girls bear the brunt of the crisis first. Girls must drop out of school first, get health care second. There is also disparity in food consumptions and nutrition.
  4. The third set of impacts are related to care work and the care economy. As women have to come out of the home to seek jobs, households lose primary caregivers. Human development impacts are seen with a time lag.
  5. There are also a set of impacts specific to women. The whole issueof domestic violence becomes an issue. There also may be increasing trafficking and prostitution of women.
  6. What perspective to take with respect to the economic crisis? First should be the human development perspective. It is nutrition, life expectancy and educational achievements which form the basis of society and policy to respond to the global crisis.
Economic Sectors
Main article : Economic Sectors

The Economy includes several sectors (also called industries), that evolved in successive phases.
  • The ancient economy was mainly based on subsistence farming.
  • The industrial revolution lessened the role of subsistence farming, converting it to more extensive and monocultural forms of agriculture in the last three centuries. The economic growth took place mostly in mining, construction and manufacturing industries.
  • In the economies of modern consumer societies there is a growing part played by services, finance and technology-the (knowledge economy).
In modern economies, there are four main sectors of economic activity :
  • Primary sector of the economy : Involves the extraction and production of raw materials, such as corn, coal, wood and iron. (A coal miner and a fisherman would be workers in the primary sector).
  • Secondary sector of the economy : Involves the transformation of raw or intermediate materials into goods e.g. manufacturing steel into cars, or textiles into clothing. (A builder and a dressmaker would be workers in the secondary sector).
  • Tertiary sector of the economy : Involves the provision of services to consumers and businesses, such as baby sitting, cinema and banking. (A shopkeeper and an accountant would be workers in the tertiary sector).
  • Quaternary sector of the economy : Involves the research and development needed to produce products from natural resources. (A logging company might research ways to use partially burnt wood to be processed so that the undamaged portions of it can be made into pulp for paper).

Sabtu, 19 Desember 2009

Kata Mutiara

Nama : Winda Puspita Lim Setyawati
NPM : 21207169
Kelas : 3 EB14
Materi : Kata Mutiara (Tugas Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 1)
Dosen : Muhammad Kholiq


1. Among those whom I like or admire, I can find no common denominator but among those whom I love, I can all of them make me laugh.

" Diantara begitu yang saya suka atau kagumi, saya bisa menemukan umat beragama yang tidak biasa tetapi diantara begitu yang saya cinta, saya bisa semua dari mereka membuat saya tertawa" .

2. Love which was once beleved to contain theb answer, we now know to be nothing more than an inherited behavior pattern.

" Cinta yang pertama kali dicintai untuk mengetahui sebuah jawaban, kami sekarang tahu untuk tidak apa-apa lebih banyak mewarisi kelakuan teladan" .

3. The means by which we live hare outdistanced the ends for which we live. Our scientific fower has out run our spiritual power. we have guided missiles and misguided men.

" Cara dari yang kami tinggal truwelu mendahului terakhir untuk yang kami tinggal. Ilmiah bunga kita akan lari keluar untuk kekuatan keagamaan kita. Kami punya peluru kendali dan laki-laki tersesat" .

Rabu, 16 Desember 2009

Taq quetions n Afferinative Agreement

Nama : Wiinda Puspita Lim Setyawati
Kelas : 3 EB14
NPM : 21207169
Materi : Taq quetions n Afferinative Agreemnet
Dosen : Muhammad Kholiq

Tugas Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 1(Tanggal 5 November 2009)

l. Taq Quetions..!

1. You are going to school tomorrow? (aren't you)
2. Gary signed the petition? (didn't he)
3. There is an exam tomorrow? (isn't there)
4. Beverly will be attending the university in september? (will not it)
5. She is been studying English for two years? (hasn't she)
6. It sure is suny today? (isn't it)
7. He should stay in bed? (shouldn't he)
8. You can't play tenis today? (can you)
9. There aren't any peaches teft? (are there)
10. We have seen that movie? (haven't we)

ll. Afferinative Agreement.

1. Roses likes to fly, and her brother does to.
2. They will leave at noon and I will to.
3. He has an early appointment and so do.
4. She has already written her composition and so has my nigh bour.
5. The plane is arriving at nine o'clock and so is mine.
6. I should go grocery shopping this afternoon and so should my neighter.
7. We like to swim in the pool and they do too.
8. Our spanish teacher loves to travel and so do we.
9. He has lived in Mexico for five years and you have too.
10. I must write them a letter and she must too.

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